The Shallows

Which one is better being able to read and not have to memorize everything or memorizing everything and not being able to read? In my opinion, I feel like in today’s world I feel like you need a little of both. My question is how does the person who can’t read learn knowledge that has been writing down? Someone has to read that to them if it is something that very difficult to articulate. Yes, I see how memorizing everything and internalizing everything give you more knowledge and makes you wiser. However, in today’s society, we would not be able to function because of all the information that we have today it would be impossible to be able to memorize all those old and new ideas that are constantly changing. Also, with all the technology that we have in today’s world, we have access to knowledge in seconds which has stopped our need to memorize information.

Carr made a point in that technology and the internet have ceased the need for today’s world from having to remember things. A vast majority of the population is literate and Carr states in his novel that Socrates thought that being literacy specifically reading silently could cause one to have two selves; your physical body and then that person you are within your head. Socrates thought that this would be a dangerous thing, however, I think that in today’s world this internal self is something that can lead to new ways of thinking and aids in things like art and literature. It is a form of expression. So, yes we may have less time to memorize information with all the technology of today, but it is also the medium that we find most of the information that we come into contact with. But this also allows us to be able to learn so many more new things. In my opinion, having such easy access to knowledge allows anyone and everyone to be able to do almost anything they can think of, knowledge is no longer limited.

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